Monday 11 May 2009

1st May 09

Today I did a photoshoot with Rob and Zander. I used both my 40D and the Hasselblad. Between us we decided to use the back room of Robs house. It's very light and open, I was anticipating a high key lit image. However since I was there last he has redecorated the room so I thought I would make us of the great print of the wallpaper and the material of the sheer curtains. We had an idea of using his many hats in the portraits. I thought that would be good because like me he always has a hat on his head!

1. 1/25 @ F5.6 ISO 400. This image is adjusted slightly in Lightroom. Whitebalance adjusted, cropped.

2. 1/15 @ F5.6 ISO 400. Cropped and adjusted wb in LR.

3. 1/15 @F5.6 ISO 400. Slight adjustment and crop in LR.

4. 1/25 @F5.6 ISO 400. Adjustments made in LR. Cropped, converted to black and white.

5. 1/25 @ F5.6 ISO 400. Slight adjustments in LR, crop and white balance.

I wanted to do some shots with Zander, who unfortunately is ill at the moment. He was tired when it was time to do his shots (although the sweetheart perked right up with the mention of a walk!). Because of this we thought it would be nice to get some shots of the two of them chilling out.

These are two of my favourite images, each also converted to black and white.

6. 1/20 @ F4 ISO 400. Original image cropped and adjusted slightly in LR.
7. 1/20 @ F4 ISO 400. Original converted to black and white.

8. 1/20 @ F4 ISO 400. Adjusted and cropped in LR.
9. 1/20 @ F4 ISO 400. Adjusted and cropped in LR, converted to black and white.

I think the stronger images are the black and white ones, especially of Rob and Zander together.

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